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We recall that the 'plan of studies' (piano carriera) must be formulated in agreement and with the help of one of the Professors who are in charge of the chosen curriculum, according to the list reported below.  


The Manager Didattico (Mrs. Rinero) will verify the coherence between the 'piano carriera' on-line made by the student and the one agreed and signed by the tutoring Professor.



Specific information on the different curricula can be obtained from:

Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics

Physics of Environment and of Advanced Technologies

Nuclear, Subnuclear and Biomedical Physics

Prof. Massaglia Serio

Prof. Masera

Prof. Diaferio Taricco

Prof. Menichetti Boglione

Prof. Balestra

Prof. Migliore Donato

Prof. Vittone

Prof. Cirio

Prof. Anselmino Marocchi *

Prof. Chiavassa

* to be contacted for a general curriculum


Piano Carriera Astrofisica e Fisica Teorica
Piano Carriera Fisica dell'Ambiente e delle Tecnologie Avanzate
Piano Carriera Fisica Nucleare, Subnucleare e Biomedica

Curriculum: Nuclear, Subnuclear and Biomedical Physics

I Year

I Period

II Period

III Period

Particle Detectors (B,FIS04)

Laboratory of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics I (B,FIS04)

Laboratory of Nuclear and Subnucl. Physics II (B, FIS01)

Relativistic Quantum Mechanics (B,FIS02)

Foundations of Field Theory (B,FIS02)

Phenomenology of Fundamental Interactions (B,FIS02)

Complements of Mathematical Methods (B,FIS02)

Complements of Quantum Mechanics (B,FIS02)

Neural Networks (B,FIS02)

Numeric Analysis and Simulation Technology (B,FIS01)

Relativistic Cinematics and Particle Accelerators (B,FIS04)

Foundations of Cosmic Physics (C,FIS01)

Electromagnetism Applications (C,FIS01)

Meteorology (C, FIS/06)

Elementary Particles I (B,FIS04)

 Medical Physics (B,FIS01)


Microelectronics (C,FIS01)


Applied Nuclear Physics (C,FIS04)


Principles of Physiology (D,BIO/09)


II Year

Fisica Nucleare (C,FIS04)

Preparation of Thesis Work and Final Presentation

Fundaments of Astrophysics: Stars and Milky Way (C,FIS05)

Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology (C,FIS05)

Energy and Environment (C,FIS06)

Elementary Particles II (C,FIS04)

Nuclear Physics (C,FIS04)

Further available Courses (Free choice)

Biophysics (D, BIO/09)

Acustics (D, FIS/01)

Biology and Molecular Biology (D,BIO/11)

Statistical Mechanics (D, FIS/03)

General Relativity (D, FIS/02)  Parallel and distributed computer systems (D INF01)

Applied Electronics (D, FIS/01)

Digital Electronics (D, FIS/01)  
 Laboratory of Medical Physics (B,FIS01) Neutrinos in Astrophysics and Cosmology (D, FIS/05)  Lab of advanced computing techniques:  Multy Agent Systems MAS (D, FIS/01)

LEGEND, Nuclear, Subnuclear and Biomedical Physics:


1 choice among 3


1 choice between 2


1 choice among 3


1 choice between 2


1 choice between 2


2 choices among 11

See Presentation file

Curriculum: Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics

I Year

I Period

II Period

III Period

Relativistic Quantum Mechanics (B,FIS02)

Complements of Quantum Mechanics (B,FIS02)


Radiative Processes (B,FIS02)

Fundaments of Field Theory (B,FIS02)


Complements of Mathematical Methods (B,FIS02)

General Relativity (B,FIS02)


Electromagnetism Applications (B,FIS01)

General Relativity: global and geometrical aspects (B,FIS02)

Fundaments of Cosmic Physics (B, FIS01)

Numeric Analysis and Simulation Technology (B,FIS01)

Complements of General Physics (B,FIS01)

Numerical Algorithms for Physics (B,FIS01)


Physics of Condensed Matter (B,FIS01)


Nuclear Physics (C,FIS04)

Laboratory of Nuclear and Subnucl. Physics I (B,FIS04)

Elementary Particles I (B,FIS04)

Statistical Mechanics (B,FIS03)

Physics of Fluid Matter and Plasma (B,FIS03)

Phenomenology of Fundamental Interactions (C,FIS02)

Fundaments of Astrophysics: Stars and Milky Way (C,FIS05)

Differential Geometry (C,MAT03)

Cosmology (C,FIS05

Introduction to Group Theory (C,FIS02)

Fundaments of Astrophysics: Galaxies and Cosmic Structures (C, FIS/05)

Complements of Field Theory (C,FIS02)

Particle Detectors (C, FIS04)  

Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (C,INF01)


II Anno

Elementary Particles II (C,FIS04)

Preparation of Thesis Work

Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology (C,FIS05)

Final Presentation

Energy and Environment (C,FIS06)

Further Available Courses (Free choice)

Introduction to String Theory (D,FIS02)

Theory of Complex Systems at low and high temperature (D,FIS02/04)

Laboratory of Astrophysics (D, FIS05)

Dynamical Systems (C,FIS07)

Methods of Astronometry for Astrophysics (D,FIS05)

Elements of Heliophysics and Space Meteorology (D, FIS05)

Statistical Field Theory (D,FIS02)

Neutrinos in Astrophysics and Cosmology (D,FIS05)

Biology and Molecular Biology (D,BIO11)

Nonlinear waves and turbulence (D, FIS03)



LEGEND, Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics:


1 choice between 2


1 choice among 3


1 choice between 2


2 choices among 6


2 choices among 2


2 choices among 13


1 choice among 3

Curriculum: Physics of Environment and Advanced Technologies

I Anno

I Quadrimestre

II Quadrimestre

III Quadrimestre

Complements of Mathematical Methods (B, FIS02)



Solid State Physics

(B, FIS03)

Physics of Fluid Matter and Plasma (B,FIS03)


Non linear Waves and Turbolence (B, FIS03)

Complements of Quantum Mechanics (B, FIS02)

  Lab of advanced computing techniques:  Multy Agent Systems MAS (D, FIS/01)

Statistical Mechanics

(B, FIS03)

Complements of Structure of Matter (B, FIS02)

Neural Networks (B, FIS02)

 Complements of General Physics (B, FIS01)

General Relativity (B,FIS02)

Advanced Laboratory of Electronics (B, FIS01)

Physics of the Atmosphere (B,FIS01)

Computational Geophysics Laboratory (B,FIS01)

Laboratory of Environmental Physics (B,FIS01)

Applied Electronics (B,FIS01)

Digital Electronics (B,FIS01)

Microelectronics (B,FIS01)

Physics of Environment (C,FIS06)


Meteorology (C,FIS06)

Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (C,INF01)

Dating Methods (C,FIS07)

Materials for Optoelectronics (C,CHIM02)

Geophysical Signals Processing (C,FIS06)

Fundaments of Astrophysics: Stars and Milky Way (C,FIS05)


Laboratory of Nuclear and Subn. Physics I (C,FIS04)

Elements of Heliophysics and Space Meteorology (D, FIS05)
 Energy and Environment (C,FIS06)


Complements of Chemestry (CHIM03)


Applied NUclear Physics (C,FIS04)


II Anno

 Laboratory of Matter Physics (B, FIS03)

  Terrestrial Physics (C,FIS06)


Preparation of Thesis Work and Final Presentation

Further available courses (Free choices)

Electromagnetism Applications (D,FIS01)

Acoustics (D,FIS01)

Physics of Superconductors(D,FIS03)

Complements of Chemistry (D,Chim/03) Ideas of Physics (D,FIS/08)

Numerical Algorithms for Physics (D,FIS01)

  Condensed Matter Physics (D,FIS/01)

Observations and Measurements Methods (D,FIS01)


Physics of Semiconductors (D, FIS/03)


LEGEND, Physics of Environment and of Advanced Technologies:


1 choice between 2


1 choice among 3


1 choice among 4


1 choice among 4


1 choice among 3


2 choices among 12 (Affini e Integrativi)

Ultimo aggiornamento: 04/07/2022 10:41
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