We recall that the 'plan of studies' (piano carriera) must be formulated in agreement and with the help of one of the Professors who are in charge of the chosen curriculum, according to the list reported below.
The Manager Didattico (Mrs. Rinero) will verify the coherence between the 'piano carriera' on-line made by the student and the one agreed and signed by the tutoring Professor.
Specific information on the different curricula can be obtained from:
Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics |
Physics of Environment and of Advanced Technologies |
Nuclear, Subnuclear and Biomedical Physics |
* to be contacted for a general curriculum
Piano Carriera Astrofisica e Fisica Teorica
Piano Carriera Fisica dell'Ambiente e delle Tecnologie Avanzate
Piano Carriera Fisica Nucleare, Subnucleare e Biomedica
LEGEND, Nuclear, Subnuclear and Biomedical Physics:
1 choice among 3 |
1 choice between 2 |
1 choice among 3 |
1 choice between 2 |
1 choice between 2 |
2 choices among 11 |
LEGEND, Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics:
1 choice between 2 |
1 choice among 3 |
1 choice between 2 |
2 choices among 6 |
2 choices among 2 |
2 choices among 13 |
1 choice among 3 |
LEGEND, Physics of Environment and of Advanced Technologies:
1 choice between 2 |
1 choice among 3 |
1 choice among 4 |
1 choice among 4 |
1 choice among 3 |
2 choices among 12 (Affini e Integrativi) |